Ecommerce Reports

Mobile versus Desktop Shoppers on Magento.

Traffic, revenue and conversions figures differ per device for shoppers on the Magento Ecommerce platform. Nosto, a Magento Select Technology Partner, has issued a report for 2016, aggregating data across Magento sites.

The report looks at revenue, traffic, visits before order and bounce rate for Mobile, Tablet and Desktop devices. The data comes from Magento stores in Europe and the USA.


57.9% of revenue came from Desktop devices, 28.6% from Mobile and 13.5% from Tablets. No information is given relating to the growth or decline of the share of each device type.


The traffic numbers suggest that many more customers begin the customer journey with a mobile device, even if the revenue figures show that they might not complete the transaction on mobile. Mobile delivered 43.7% of traffic to Magento sites, 42.% came from Desktop and 13.8% came from tablets.


There is still a large difference between conversion on Mobile and other devices. Desktop devices convert best at 4.31%. Tablets are 2nd with 3.66% and mobile conversion is 2.26%.

The report from Nosto says:

… it is an issue if mobile is simply failing from a UX perspective. From the data that we have seen, and the discrepancy between the large amount of mobile traffic and mobile purchases, this must be considered to be an option.

Visits Before Order

This is an interesting metric and shows just how much the buying process is a Customer Journey. The report found that customers visit a Magento store 1,8 times on average before making a purchase. This doesn’t vary too much by device. For mobile it is 1.85 visits, for Desktop it’s 1.81 and tablets 1.80.

Bounce Rate

The report found that Magento shops are getting something wrong when it comes to mobile. The bouce rate for mobile is significantly higher than other devices. 55.3% of mobile customers leave immediately. The number is 44.2% for Desktop and 46.3% for tablet.


The report contains analysis and tips from Nosto on each of these areas, but it seems to me that these figures say more about the retailers than they do the customer. Customers are using mobile, they want to use mobile, but Magento shop owners are still reluctant to truly embrace ‘Mobile First’.

Just as some advertisers clung onto full page glossy magazine ads and shunned banners and other online advertising formats, some Brand Managers still love the big design pitch image of their new Ecommerce website mocked up on a 27 inch Mac monitor.

Getting mobile right is not just a look and feel issue. The UI and UX for mobile requires a shift in mindset. Front-End designers need to stop thinking about clicks and start designing for the properties of a touch screen – swipes, pinches and other behaviours that mobile customers are used to.

The numbers in the report are averages, so it would be interesting to see differences by age of shopper or market. The anecdotal evidence is that in the Middle East, mobile is King.

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